“I cannot give them sight but I can be the light of their life
I cannot make them see the beauty of their face but I can make them feel their inner beauty,
it makes no difference who invented bulbs to them but I can make them discover the light within them,
they have never seen how a weaver birds build their nest but I can make them weave their dreams to achieve them,
they have never seen the birds fly but I am sure I can be the wings to help them fly towards their goals”.
This is not the poem of any famous poet but a fact that has changed the perception of my life. This I realize from the day when I stepped into their world. A day I cannot forget- on recommendation of my friend I entered into the office of a blind school. A young beautiful, fair girl with very attractive eyes about twenty years of age sitting in front of the computer and typing. I asked her for the principal of the school and gave her my introduction and my intention of working with them as a reader and an English teacher with course on personality development. She told me to take a seat and said he will be coming very soon i sat there and started observing the crowd standing outside the office waiting for the principal out of them few were blind just then my attention was drawn by the sound of a computer pronouncing every letter typed by the girl and the girl had put her head very close to the computer and typing. Later on a girl was searching for a paper
Which was fallen on the ground she asked me whether I can help her to find? I looked at her in dismay because the paper was very close to her leg suddenly she blurted out, “Oh, I forgot to tell you that I am blind.” Heaven fell upon me, how can this be possible, a girl with such attractive eyes cannot see? In disbelief I candidly told her about my thoughts she agreed and told, “you are not the first one to be deceived by my eyes or beauty.” Astounded I was speechlessly looking at her, thousand thoughts running and rushing on the surface of my brain, not understanding whether to thank god for my sight or curse him for the poor girl, close to me, gifted with beautiful eyes with no light in it. All darkness, no sight to admire her own beauty or god’s other gift as nature. After a while I met the principal who himself was blind but very intelligent handling the whole school’s administration. After exchanging few words I was soon appointed as an honorary reader and teacher in that school. I whole heartedly started working for the blind students gradually I realized that it is me who is a learner, they are my teachers to teach me - the way to handle the most bitter truth of life though the truth is very bitter still the life is very beautiful and lived with laughter and smiles. They are my teacher to teach me to count on my blessings and not cry for the things I am deprived off. On the contrary I am the one who has taken personality development classes from them. I am indeed very fortunate to get the opportunity to serve them & fill theirs and mine life with joy. This aspect has changed the perspective to look at my life differently. I have pledge to do as much as possible for the less fortunate ones and contribute to make the world a beautiful place to live in.