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Thursday, 12 May 2022


My name kalpana

Kalpana, is a hindi word for " imagination" and i sign my name as Kalpana's imagination.

It suprises  me that what were the thoughts when my parents named me " kalpana" 

Whole of imagination. Did they have an intuition about their child, penning images from her imagination to  feed her passion of writing. 

It was a time, i didn't even know what pen paper was, and my mediocre scribbles doodles were on papers.

Till the release of Aamir khan's movie, " Taare Zamee par"

Nobody knew about dyslexia and agreed to confess about it after that. 

Well, my mind constantly was imagining, what if effiel tower was in India? 

If butterflies were whites and blacks? What if 3+3 was 7, Will it make much difference? If it did, i could had fixed by substracting one and fun would have been when it was a choclate, i could have eaten it up. 

There was no one to tell me to fall in love with Maths otherwise i would have let "0" remain unimportant  because it would have been "my hero" not sharing with anyone. Not sharing means;  no subject called "Maths" Nobody would have known better than me, what my hero zero was!

Why were so many subjects to learn if you have super imagination power? 

I can locate any place. I can tell the time of any country by power of imagination. Is it that important to tell accurate time when i have nothing to do with them when i am living in India, in my home? so i thought of learning just my time. Same with science, no difference it made to me. I feel whole of the problem started with scientist Galileo, neither had he watched the oscillatory movements of the church bell nor would have science of time become a chapter of science, no exception to my thoughts for Newton, Einstein and other scientists. I was and am satisfied with my platter that has to be reached on time. 

My basic need for survival was Imagination, imagination, imagination!! 

To be secluded and to be lost in my world of imagination with my pen, paper and words flying around me, i collecting them and make verses around my imagination.

Eventually, i  understood, it was a language of communication i needed most, without it i was incomplete.

Kalpana's imagination

Friday, 8 April 2022

A Dancer in Me




A Dancer Within Me

I don’t know, what hides in me

I am in search of a dancer girl

Standing on stage, head held high

With two three steps displayed her gratitude

Holding a trophy of a winner

Walks gracefully with suave

As if within a moment 

I felt i have been worshipped as goddess

I looked around saw few legendry dancers in the front rows

And i fell on the ground

A big blow on my ego

I am an odinary woman

But my unfulfilled desire

Surfaces resurfaces

When i find myself very low

Kalpana's Poems & Writings

Kalpana Shah

Kalpana’s imagination

Why Involve.Cats & Dogs



Why Involve Cats & Dogs!

Ok, tell me!

Why is it said,

“It’s raining dogs and cats”

Now… Now! What has dogs and cats to do with rain!

Or say cats and dogs do with rain?

This english language of english people confuses a layman

So now, all laymen needs to start PHD- ing in metaphorical english literature?

Then how do we poets or writers expect them to read and appreciate complexities of writing?

Why can’t we all write simple 

These people work hard so is it rational to ask them to once again of a day crack nuts? Noways! We can’t be inhuman

So i understand is ; 

It’s raining heavily sounds better or furiously? That sounds better

Kalpana's Poems & Writings 

Kalpana Shah

Kalpana’s imagination

Wednesday, 6 April 2022

Myth Man; An Odinary Man




Myth Man ; an Odinary Man

He applied chilli powder 

on his forehead daily morning after puja

It would burnt a lot 

He tolerated that burnt and grew his tolerance power

He can now beat himself with thick rope to test his power

People thought him to be a replica of “Lord Shiva”

He did nothing just gave them chilli powder to apply

Apparently, curing them

In this way he built their resilience, tolerance and endurance power

People knew he had no super power

Neither was he any superman

Conclusion is that; your extra odinary power lies in you 

Kalpana's Poems & Writings

Kalpana Shah

Kalpana’s imagination

Monday, 4 April 2022

Love for Broken Heart


Prompt: poem of prompts


Love for Broken Heart

-A story of broken dreams

-Dreams far from reality

-Your feelings; awake in morning after break up

-find a love for broken heart

-How bad was it to live with sorrow of seperation?

-Prompt a truth of your life

-Tempt me, seduce me!

- Rendezvous with beloved

-Imagination of romance 

-How can you win my heart?

- it has to be in few words,

what will those words be?

-Will you be with me when sun sets?

-After setting, it will be dark nights

-Can you wait for me in dark for new dawn

- I will come, I promise for you, with you, to live and love again

-These will be a promise in few words

Kalpana’s imagination 

Kalpana Shah

Kalpana's Poems & Writings

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Glosa- Heartthrob

He was on cloud nine with beauty in his eyes

She lived in his heart

Like a moon on the night 

His love for her lived in an empty stomach 

As the nights passed 

She got tempted to hold him tight

But Alas! It wasn’t possible

She can flash, a silver shine on him every night

She cried whole day, till the night’s first sight

In the day she wan 

Waiting impatiently, in her plight

She forgot her sorrow when she saw his sight 

They were lullabies, she sung

And she found him in deep slumber

Fearing of his seperation

She too went in a slumber; forever

Kalpana Shah

Kalpana’s imagination 

Kalpana’s poems & writing

Friday, 1 April 2022

Vultures of the Earth

Prompt: 1
A story about the body
NaPoWriMo / GloPoWriMo 2022

Vultures of the Earth

From the earth
 Visited vultures!
Scaring and scarring,
Snatching and scratching,
Ripped her!
till her soul visible,
It was not the body bleeding
It was a soul soaked in blood!

Kalpana Shah
Kalpana’s imagination 
Kalpana's Poems & Writings